Monday, October 25, 2010
O-level. After my first run, it's gonna be a breeze... Well, simple...expected...and repeated. One of the easiest war to be fought, just be prepared... How prepared you are depends on oneself.
Now, i just don't like it. After being flunk by a mere finger, now this... I thought i was strong, not enough. Well, the truth is after victory over a strong enemy. A stronger one would rise, after defeating the stronger one... I might wanna expect an even stronger one to rise... That is, assuming that i don't die first.
I guess i just have to do my best and train hard. That's all that i can do for now... For the rest of you all, just pray that you don't know. How are we going win? Because we must. If it's impossible, then I'll just have to break the limit. If fear is going to swallow you up, get stronger and crush it. If you are unable to protect, get stronger and defend. Do you desire to win, fight or stay alive? What is your resolve? Dear たいしょう... =/
- ポーキーたいしょう
Labels: TIme to break the limits again.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
HELLO0s~~~!!! =D I ain't gonna talk about the hot topic. There is already enough people talking about it already. That is... O-level. Whether you are gonna do well or not... It's down to the last few days. Give it your best, and live through the days without regrets.
Finally, i can sigh =.= Looks being a member of my own family isn't that easy... Hmmmm... Looks like it's my time, to take over my family's business. Am i ready? For 4 nearly four years i have been preparing for this, and the number of obstacles overcome are great. Why not? 0.o If i don't, someone has to.
Like me do the Topic thingy again...
Today's Topic: What is God?
Answer: "God" is the Sum Total of Universal Energy (No offense,) (Copyrighted the Internet)
Why? Hmmmmm... Many people debate about whether there is a God, or what God is. Is God an individual personality, sitting up in heaven listening to and granting our requests, or is God simply all the energy that exists in the whole universe? Well, I believe God is both of those things.
The Bible says God is a spirit (John 4:24). It also says that the spirit, given by God, is what gives man understanding (Job 32:8). And finally, it says that God is light (I John 1:5).
It is important to understand that ancient man described God with an ancient vocabulary and ancient idea sets, but that we can breathe new life into these verses by understanding what was really being said.
What is light? It's energy. When a person is brain dead, no electrical activity registers on a EEG test. Why? Because his spirit, which is what brings life to the body and understanding to the mind, is electrical energy. And when the spirit leaves the body, the body dies because the energy which powered the body is no longer present. God is light, so he is energy, and both God and we are spirit beings. So God, and light, and energy, and the essence of each of us as spirit beings, is all the same. We are all made up of the same physical and spiritual essence: energy.
Everything that exists in the universe is made up of energy. Every atom has electrons, sub-atomic particles containing an electrical charge, which orbit around the atom's nucleus. Every atom has energy. True, some atoms have more energy than others; some have more electrons orbiting their nucleus than others, and some are moving faster than others. The energy in a piece of wood is moving very slow compared to the energy in a pan of boiling water, but both contain the same kind of energy.
There is a scientific law that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form (conservation of energy). To be more precise, it states that in a closed system (our universe, for the purposes of our discussion) energy is conserved. In other words, all the energy that ever existed, that was present at the beginning, still exists. God, who is all energy, in the beginning took from his own energy to make everything that exists. Biblical scholars have made much of the original language of Genesis 1:1 saying that the word "created" means "ex nihilo" or "out of nothing". In other words, God made everything from nothing. We must understand that biblical writers used their own limited vocabulary and knowledge of science to explain what they thought they saw or were told. The fact that the universe may have "appeared" out of nowhere does not mean it was created from nothing. Many forms of energy cannot be seen. Since God is energy, and we know that everything that exists is made from energy, and keeping in mind that energy cannot be created or destroyed, we see that God took from the pool of existing energy, which was HIM, and created everything there is. Therefore, not only are the atoms and molecules and sub-atomic particles in a blade of grass made by God, they are part of God himself. God took of his energy, and changed the appearance of some of it so that it looks different. But it is still a part of him, just as our hearts and livers are part of us. So every blade of grass, every raindrop, every animal, every human being, every biological microorganism, every molecule of wood that forms the chair you are sitting on is GOD. Not just part of God, but IS God. Everything is sacred, because everything is made from the energy that is God. This takes away the dividing line between secular and sacred.
I shall stop here... For more information, click
Labels: I hereby change my life~~~
Monday, October 11, 2010