Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ok...let's say this is finally the end to my Happy BirthdayWeek =.= ...turn out to be quite fun. =D
So today parents teachet meet...blah blah blah ya da ya da ya...wasn't really paying attention =P Now holiday le...gonna still be busy...need to study..settle more things...back back school for some stuffs.
now jiu shi maple lorh.

nothing do at home play lorh.maple story now got funny funny map this one

Some starry starry night
hmmmm...And ya.I promoted =D but...i know i didn't promote =),
English 52
Chinese 50
Math 54
Biology 42
Science 48
Humanities 47
POA 32
LOL.all so lousy...but who cares i passed =.= .Actually chinese must be teacher help de.U dun tell me i also know 50.0 =.= so accurate? cannot be mah somemore chinese SA2 also lousy lousy de mark.hmmm...Thanks bah Teachers =D let me promote. Well...end of 3E4 i guess,well not really the end...But just the "end" larh.
later update 1 photo...dunno why not working =.=
Labels: holiday~~~~
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009

LOL i post that picture cause people say my blog very boring...No picture...LOL...Now there u have it.It's called,"ME and My Great Great Grandma" =D
Ha ha HA hA Ha haH ha Ha ha HA
=.= crazy. LOL anyway...Many things happen this year...I know i will promote =) even if i dun study...Sometimes u just get this feeling...that u know u gonna do it...You don't have to know how to do it...You just know that u are going to do it =) ...When time comes u will understand...
Anyway finally promises all done and kept...Told you...I never broke a promise =)
I will never die...
Will i die by getting shot by a pistol?
That's wrong.
Because of a disease I happened to acquire?
That's wrong.
Because i drank a poisonous soup?
I will die when people forget about me.
Labels: The flag is the promise of life that not just anyone could hold..., The skull is the symbol of Faith
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Death Creates No Future.
If you don't risk your life,you can't create a future.
I'll keep believing in the future, not caring if anyone laughs at me
The passion running within you makes you shine
It's too dazzling, but I want to keep watching you
Somehow, sensing those aesthetics makes me really really stuck on you
Chasing, chasing after the one in my dreams
That is like no one else
With a feeling that burns like it's kindling the dawn
I don't know yet what the consequences will be
Instead of these boring times, it's gotta be dramatic
Under casual rules, we've avoided a mountain of problems
But because of your pride, you can't turn back down this road
On your weak nights when troubles keep coming
I will hold you tight, I wanna wanna be with you
Holding on, we keep holding on
To a dream that no one else can see
Because I'm with you, we have such hot feelings
We don't really need consistency
Instead of a mundane routine,
Chasing, chasing after the one in my dreams
That is like no one else
With a feeling that burns like it's kindling the dawn
I don't know yet what the consequences will be
Instead of these boring times, it's gotta be dramatic
Until we achieve that, believe in wonderland!
Labels: Dream or freedom?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
0.o ok...Finally,down to the last 2 days...which also means,i have already took a few of my subjects...0.o gonna finsh le...
SA2...wasn't so bad =) LOL.I see the people around me some like,
*Before the test.*
"Wah...Fail liao larh...this time cannot make it..."*After the test.*
"Fail liao..Whole bunch of marks throw away..."Hmmmm...that are some unsatisfied customers..This what happens for buying a product and not reading to instructions carefully...The instructions said SA2.aka.End of year paper....Most important exam of your year exam...Labels never put must study jiu no nid study arh?...By which tell u all common sense de?.Aiya...Never study say fail fail fail will pass meh?...Just put in hard mah...even Porky can do it.But,all of you people...sure to promote leh.....who knows =.=
Distance X Effort = Work Done. (right? =.=)
Let my effort and distance decide the work done bah...
Haiz...6 and a half more things to worry about.....But that just 1 thing can make me die le =/ .Either tired to death or death calls.. Exactly how many times...must walk on the verge of death?.......grrr... =.= Can manage...Start to sleep again le.......Yawnzzzz.......Finally,1 good night sleep i have been waiting for since 2 weeks...haiz...gonna die soon le........................................ ..................................................................................... .................................................................................... ............................................
Labels: There is many thing i have not settled and not done yet........Not now...Please.......
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
I have been thinking lorh....My math exam like haiz....Very wasted leh =/ I realized i made a couple of careless mistake....And like i have been dreaming for a few mins starting at the angle question =.= ....
What am i doing? =.=
SS also...I first 10 starting into open space =.= .Suddenly thought again,"what am i doing?"...Then start doing le...jiu write write write then dreaming...then write write write again =.=...Then Section B also like that...Then felt very sian...Still got thing s to write de...but...i decided not to =.= ....WHAT AM I DOING???!!! =.=
...Porky...I am damn dissapointed with you...How can you just throw studies aside? =.= ...I said yourself. That in everything you do,u should do your best...But all u do is just...HONG ZA BOH.... =.= u gotta stop flirting le =.=....Promote or more za boh...You choose one...NO..SHUT UP...U listen to me.I the customer you the manazger...I know u gonna choose za boh =.=...But..Just promote will you?...It it that hard?...Haven't you heard what your friends has been saying...
"You better promote,i still want hear ur stupid voice next year..."
"You know?..Although you are an idiot...I will still miss you if u didn't promote..."
"You don't pass your maths,I will kill you..." =.=
"You don't pass your english, i will rape you..." -_-"
"You don't pass your blah blah blah..." ok i get it... I GET IT!!! =.=
Still got many others...there are still many people u can't dissapoint..There is still a job left empty if you don't promote...You have really came late to know that you really have friends that are there for you..Work hard already...please....
Porky Goh
Labels: thank you....for being a friend...
Friday, October 09, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Today,many many things this post gotta be very long =.=
First of all that happened today,i am not very sure myself...This time we came to find each other..I still don't understand..why?.You promised me didn't you?...Have i ever broken any of yours??I went through so much to keep them...You only thought about yourself..what about me?i am trying to let go..But it was impossible,but did you have to lie to yourself?? only hurt me more and more...I always thought you cared about me...Well i was wrong...My heart has never changed for you.I hate you...Time won't heal this damage anymore,i gonna kill you one of these days...
I won't be mood for the second one...So,today exam i wrote about someone that i had ______ .Short form for name.. LM,i wrote aboiut his past...No very touching as i wasn't him,but still ok..Very nice story-board...Very cold and cruel world isn't it? heh heh heh....
And i just found out today...You...still have conflict with me?? =.= unbelievable...We resolved this didn't we?Well,if you were to read now or whatever....One thing i have to tell you...Me and your...errr....blah.Has nothing to do,me and blah,I do like someone...But not blah =.= .If it wasn't for nasty...I wouldn't know....I didn't betray you you get me? Have you forgotten the days?!?!! We were like brothers...almost everyday playing basketball together....All those great moments..I am starting to miss them. =/ ...Four of us Me,you,nasty,jasper....Brothers...doesn't that even count??still remember the times we celebrated your birthday...Like,what ride man....But look at us now..."seperated"
Where did the days go?where did the understanding go?...But me...I don't like blah...we have nothing to do with 1 another anymore....wish u luck in your relationships....
Labels: Have you forgotten those days?...brothers....
Monday, October 05, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Exam coming near liao... Doesn't matter i fail,I see much more other importance in my life...If,i find a job..There is always this job i have currently now waiting for me...
Anyway...PHOTOBUCKET very fuck de leh... =.= Inactive account then jiu cannot use picture =.=... This time what =.= ...PICTURE TOO BIG!!! FUCK LARH u na na ..Must be some indian du lan de =.= ..Haizzz....nvm,exam so coming le...Study is got.I am preapred...well,not really...But but confidence larh =D ...If this time pass sec 4 jiu yao choing liao...But can't choing jiu =.= anything larh...let god decide..All the stupid job thingy fault...At first is job 1,then later i know more le jiu like a duty =.= ...No income de..NOTHING!! LOL,i volunteer my service stupidly life is so different from others =.= but of course also got similar things larh...
Today also nothing happen...So nothing post lorh...LOL k whatever...bye bye
Sign off,
Porky~ =D
Labels: Let's take it down...slowly...
Saturday, October 03, 2009