Sunday, June 28, 2009
These days just damn bored...Rather have school...WHICH IS TOMORROW =D YES!YES!!!YESSS!!!!...woo~~HOO~~
Let me tell u how boring it was during the holidays...I have done everything i could to entertain myself...I Have... 1.Jump on the bed
2.Play with switches
3.Roll on the floor
4.Done 50 push-ups for no reason
5.Run around house screaming
6.Play chess with pork
7.Play Hide and seek with pork
8.Ate the pork...
9.Emo at every corner of the house
10.Tried to fly
11.Knock my head on the wall
12.lie flat on the floor
13.look at the floor
14.smell the floor
15.kiss the floor
16.lick the floor
17.jump on the floor tile real hard
18.the floor gave way and i said hi to my neighbours below
19.stole some pork somemore pork again...
21.Out of Pork =.=
Yeah,that was how boring...still reading?...guess so...Can't resist reading porky blog can you?HAHAHA !!...I Know You Want Me~~~~I Know You Do~~~...okok,enough of crap
Half-a-year le...Maybe Porky should pull up his result...Like i failed all subjects except for english...somemore get 50 marks nia...Want study also dunnoe how le..haiz...Retain?retain jiu retain...not like gonna die or sumthing...Result this time can pull-up that means that praying to pork really helps..
Tomorrow wear P.E. T-shirt right??Also dunnoe why need to wear...Like it is them runnign not me,all we have to do is scream and shout,"Mr.Ng Tio man,i hate U !!!"
See..i hate him till i forgotten how to spell his name...Well,I dun think anyone had a happy holiday..O well,already ending liao...
K,thats all...Hope u enjoy your stay
~The adventures of Porky~
Ta..ta.. =D
Labels: School holiday is BORING...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Halo readers of porky's blog...Today,wushu...And, home lorh...oh ya,
Happy Birthday Adeline Yeo (i need go facebook then can spell ur name =.= )
So,today wushu...Jia qi brought 1 very very small de cake =.=,then after ji ben gong...Want surprise her,zzz,plan fail..LOL the fan blew out the candle,i am not saying once...But 6 times =.= LOL.Then hungry some parts of the cake...Then back to normal training...
Later,go eat Mac with alvin and brandon...Then,jia qi & shu hui come later..damn noisy...And hor,JIA QI u know what is pain anot the ear can kena pull until come out de leh..Ya then,go compass point talk talk talk with alvin...then walk walk abit and go home..Yup,that's all
The question from my last post,i've got an answer from a friend...These words...I will remember it for life...
"It doesn't matter if we break the law,as long as justice done and lives are saved.That's all it matters..."
You dun really have to follow every word...But sometimes doing the wrong thing...Is the right thing to do...
Labels: It is more important to do the right thing...Then to do to do things right
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Hi guys,i am back...I really thought i won't,but still i did it..Well,just...A simple "Happy" word to describe it...
Actually,this adventure really turned out WTF this time...Went somewhere i never thought anyone could ever set foot on...Had my revenge,an enemy that became a friend,and had a glimpse of a great secret...I only came back because i kept a promise,"Never to reveal what is going to happen"
Ya,like i said i had my revenge so what's the point having the revenge blogskin...Since i only keep things that is meaningful to me...I finally avenge for my friend and also my love,i did what i swore i would do...I have wait 3 years for this,it may not seem long but it's long enough hatred that is burning in me for blood on the knife...Now,i can finally put my hatred to a rest...I know many people told me not to walk down the path of revenge,but i still did...Revenge is a never ending cycle of hatred...I have own reasons of doing this...But in the end,i still did it as a part of revenge...But it doesn't matter,it was still the right thing to do...
=( Very mixed feeling right,dunno what else to blog...
God gave us so many beautiful and wonderful things...God gave us the sun to brighten up our lives...And the moon to light up our night...A sea of wonders...Also a beautiful landscape...But we humans don't really cherish all this,i am not saying that people are not trying to protect the environment...It is now a totally different problem,be nobody is aware and should be...A new era of protecting comes in the nearing future.I have really no confidence to protecting our world anymore...Now I really understand why it's bad to know to much =(
After all this,i ask myself...Is breaking the law really ok?...I dunno...I am really lost...Nothing i done seems right now =(
Labels: It is hard put down the dark side of your life...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Bye bye,people...i think i need quite long then come back...let's say i got important thing to do...but i will be back.=D
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
What the heck!!! i posted !!!i posted !!! I use half an hour type todays happening leh !!!!Then give me this blank below...god dammit...
Sian...i dun wan re-post the same thing again...write summary bah.
Wake up>>>Wushu>>>Eat mac>>>Go home>>>Blog>>>and get fuck up... that's fast =D
Oh ya..

Some idiot ask me to post this dunno for what reason...K,that's all folks...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Today...Wushu learn new stuffs.Also got Handphone maple game from Jiawen's blog...Quite sian but still quite fun.
Yesterday night,cannot sleep choing HP maple till 2+ i think until eyes tired le then go sleep....Today wake up,a bit sloppy sloppy de...Woke up late for operation nasty tan pussy...
Abandon Mission straight away go school.Reach le jiu maple lorh level up 2 times then unlock new map i think.There got 8 portal spin here spin there still lost until now =.= ...
Then wushu also boring boring de lorh,jump here jump there.Learn the Nan Goon thing (That long long brown stick jiu shi le)Very clumsy keep cannot do properly.Need more practice i think...Then Jia qi ask my mum's hp number for emergency stuufs,then i realize i really dunno wor...Later happen what thing also dunno how...LOL..better put.You dunno what might hit you...
Wushu finsh,then go Mcdonald eat with jeremy(or whatever),alvin,hanyi and of course myself.Talk about planes,what crash landing Bang there bang there...Then learnt that last time china people repair plane very pro dunno use Metal or shoelace stick the crack there can le.In the end,the plane a few year later.Take flight in the air broke into 4 parts.LOL...hear already no confidence in airlines le.
Go home.Blah blah blah,then here le.Inside FB do quiz,then the "Are you bored"Quiz get 48% home really boring but i got alot of stuffs to do.Dun feel like play online games except FB stuffs...Very busy lar...Sit at home at most 12 hours then go out le(including sleeping time & everything).Later this holiday,more trouble arise...Oversea adventure again...It is sometimes fun with many WTF!!.But it's only fun if you
Survive & Live to tell the tale...That all for today =)
Hope ya enjoy ur stay. Sign off,
Labels: Dead man tell no tales...
Monday, June 08, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Holidays are here,but...still have a job.It like the last june holiday when the job found me.I have a feeling this job is for a life time.But why me?Am i reliable?NO...Am i stupid?YES...Life's like that,you can never push away your responsibilities.Let's just say
PORK BLESS ME and get on with life...

Dance training,holiday still have train like the picture above.Just took yesterday.(without pictures blog very boring)...Wushu leh??Dun have 0.o??like that i dun nid go until next sememster =D and screw up like i did before...Holiday can do what?Sleep,fuck,eat pork,eat more pork,eat lots of porks,play computer =PORK...Today?Well,i PORKED at home thats all.
Everyone all maple in my class,i suddenly want maple de.i log in,then instantly felt very sian.LOG OUT...So i at home rotting,ROT,ROT,ROT...The most go out urself walk walk.Sian.Nothing blog...NO INSPIRATION !!!nvm talk about myself...
I am PORK,14 years-old pork,aiming to be a 4000-years-old DEMON pork.Long way to go...Get married?i thing the answer is
NEVER,i never ever love anyone since the first 1.Like ppl?yes...But like is like,passion dies off as time go by.Look around,that bitch say like this guy,then change this guy,then that uncle,then my father? TRUE LOVE?
PUI go fuck urself...This age,u like someone.Want say?say lorh..Want stead?I seen too many stead already.Almost none successful de.
Try try is just hurting relationship.Young people these days,engross...most all puppy love.Why dun be rape-ist?LIKE ME =D Simple life=Happy life but sometimes life isn't that simple.But,everyone is doing this ~~~FLOW~~~~ Life can just be that simple.Go with the flow.Let nature take course.
Labels: I have no LOVE for you, my heart is dead long long worries
Monday, June 01, 2009