Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Hi!!!Miss me in school??? LOL,i having fever blah blah blah...Actually wasn't that sick.It is my mum keep say,"Fuck you bitch u sick still want go school u fucktard or what...Sit...SIT...SIT!!!!I SAY SIT!!!!!@%@#^*$^@$~!@"Something like that but in chinese.
Last two days,feeling dizzy and kept staring in blank space dunno what i doing...Everyday play got results FAILED 6 SUBJECTS.Oh damn,what's mum gonna throw at me this time....
Today,Actually no MC today.Mom say i sick k lorh pone school lorh,isn't so bad at home.I conditions all fine ask me run 4.8 (cm) or do backflip (into the coffin) or fuck someone (Sure man anytime)... All fit arh...but i only dun like my sore thoat,Eat things pain..damn i love eating,but still skinny skinny de.Thats good,i love my size can do alot of things like squeeze through the gate,door,window,hole,vagina...ya so on...
Today,at home nothing special...Like what can you do?Read "TODAY",i only took the newspaper because it was free...Newspaper today got alot of "Facebook profiles"A lot of old auntie picture.Description almost all the same,Rest In Peace.News always predictable de,like,mas selemat escaped...again or People kena bang by cars same old events.Should be like,"THE SKY IN FALLING!!!"or"Porky drop his shoe 7:16 in the morning" like that then interesting mah.
Exams...all fail fail fail de...this time around.I blame principal...CA2 just finshed.I holiday mood,then SA1 so fast come...Somemore so long...Sian lorh.No wonder fail all the subjects.MR Mama shop owner Ng Tiong Nam...
YOU SUCK !!! XD ~The adventures of Porky~
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tomorrow go batam training again...Bye!Benny-nasi lemak is mas selemat.And ya he is our supplier...Training?u got pay training fees anot?got what competition,who can kill the most plants?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Oh sweet,Exams are over!!!Yesterday...I dun wanna talk about it,i am just glad it is over.Anyway it is already history,I HATE HISTORY >_< rawrr!!!Today i had hell lot of fun,done some crazy stuffs.Yeah...
Today in the history of science,i woke up at school time >6:30< without alarm,or my mum.It is a miracle!!!God help made me wake up early for an important mission!(Thanks PORK!)
"Operation Nasty Tan Pussy" BEGINS!!!
BRUSH TEETH!!CHANGE CLOTHES!!PREPARED THE WEAPONS!!!*tink*All set,lock and load.Off to pussy house!With the latest technology!!!PORKY's BICYCLE !!!
Shorter than Kang Jia Wen!!!Inflated wheels!!Rotten brakes!!And a pedal that can come off anytime!!!It is the ultimate travelling machine!COOL RIGHT?u wish u had one didn't u...
So i rode this imba bike all the way to nasty's house,without banging into anything as they made way for me upon seeing my stylo bike!Shouting and screaming,"HELP!!Someone call the cops.A manic is on a loose!!!"Well,i was just doing my job...After 10 hours,i reached below nasty's house.I took out my sniper(handphone),load the bullets and aim(type the text message and add recipient's name),FIRE!!!(MESSAGE SENT!!!).I shot him up his ass 7:00 in the morning,"Nasty i at ur house there le =D"...He his dota match(online game).Mission Accomplished!!!
So ya,walk to mac.Meet up with more idiots,brought the same shit to eat.Play basketball.Then change location and play basketball again...actually for fuck?...Then wait this white nugget,eat his shit and have his beauty bath.Go da LAN,but no LAN to da.So everyone took out their own lan pa to da...No larh when bowling,cause cannot find LAN.sian...I wanted to fuck some zombies man.Bowling got a lot of cheats lorh...The ball roll in the drain can come out hit the pins again...WTH...
Then arcade,see them drive their cars.Bang here bang there...Damn funny...Then go home lorh.At home,watch Tom and Jerry,"The world's most famous cat...TOM!!!and the star of the show..Jerry!!!La la la~~~la la la~~~"The music still can't get off my mind until now.Blogging...My fuck up life...gotta entertain myself...typing...these piece of junk!!!...WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!!
Sign off,
~The adventures of Porky~
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Narrator*It has come down to the final battle of Students VS EXAM!!Who shall be victorious??!!!...Currently,Porky didn't touch a shit for the LAST EXAM.*
Ok,wasn't so bad for POA test...The preparations were worth it(as seen in episode 763.07234)...I was actually able to do =).Now,it has come to the
LAST STAND after this...It is all over!!
Date: 18.5.2009 Time:4.06AM--I got my ass out of my fucking bed."Whhat..wat..what time is it?!"...Oh,Tiger Time.Sure,let's get busy...So,i taught myself everything that morning.
Soon,time for exam.I done the impossible,I managed to fill in the blanks.With some drawings,doodle all over the paper writing "FUCK"...Yeah,i answer the question with a tinky little bit of 0.1% sense.Wasn't so bad.After exam had Breakfast along with lunch at mac.
At the counter,i ordered some sort of paper wrapping around a mini pillow,1 harsh brown and ice milo.In the end,i got 2 harsh brown.
Kevin(meimei),"Why you got two harsh browns"
I said,"I dunno..."and simply walk off =D Free harsh brown
I must be number 100th customer or maybe a lucky draw.Arr..WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT IT...Just take and go!Like ez-link,tap and go...The meal with Kevin,Alvin,Samuel & Russell.Was quite "peaceful".So yep sit bus go home,dashing across a few red lights,running over some dogs and cats along with an old mama.Reached home
Damn tired at home,i was drooling on the television watching mickey mouse cartoon.Fell asleep all the way to 4.30...On com,look through my Facebook then at night blogging...Which is right about now. HI FUCKERS !!!.Hmmm..nothing much today,it is only last exam...which i haven't even touch the textbook...i will be fine.Pure bio is easy(to fail).I will just study tomorrow.Set alarm to 3 AM!!!Heh heh...Last exam,last stand,i gonna give it all i got.Fuck this last paper,and i am a FREE MAN!!!
Narrator*Well,this fucker doesn't give a fuck about exams...But trust me,Porky will get into a sec 4 class next year...Why?Cause he worships PORK!!What are u waiting for?Call 97348454,for a free delivery of pig head to your house!!!Call now!! [While stock last and batteries not included] Any enquiries please call 999 or visit Porky's house... The adventures of Porky"
(Censored- NC16,Lots of fucking,ass kicking and
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
(people who haven't read the first part of the story pls scroll down...For the fun of it =) )So ya,back again...You know what actually i did study yesterday.As in really study,some shit stuffs...
Singapore 542323,
Sengkang East way BLK 323B
15#559 in a certain room...
Date:17.5.2009 Time:11.02PM--In the darkness of the night,the whole HDB(Highly Dangerous Building) flat have their lights off.Only this certain room on the 15 floor.The sounds of flipping books were heard.The atmosphere is quiet and a little spook.
SUDDENLY,there was a loud bang!!!......The half-dead zombie bang his head on the study table and said,"I give up,make no sense..."Yup...then he went to sleep....
Tomorrow,i was awaken by a smack on the face.It was my mum's cook book =.= ...Yup,brush teeth,look at my handsome face,so on...Mum went out,brother went out,father?I dunno where he go i haven't seen him yesterday.Police report?Maybe not...On computer,Facebook,nth much play restaurant city & pet society & Kingdom wars---Online gaming from 11.00 to 2.00,Buy lunch...
What i buy?same Pork on wan tan mee...Buy bubble tea,walk back home...Eh?Where did my bag go?? =.=" ...OH FUCK...Run back,knock down a few auntie and uncle also some larh jkjk...The bag was still there.PHEW,so safely make my way back home.On com,online gaming 6.00
Mum came back,with LUNCH !!!yay...i dun wanna lose my bag again =.= Eat some shit?It's black comes with alot of shape,with some egg.But not bad 0.o STUDY TIME,errr...Tried some practical,not bad not bad.Quite "successful",first time doing ledger.What do u think?
Study progress: 40% Can bah...60% percent tomorrow morning choing lorh.Skip a few chapters and i should be fine.
Narrator *So will Porky and the Whip pass his exam tomorrow??And how will he do for his next exam (Biology..pure somemore) Find out on,same time same place.Well,actually anytime... The adventures of Porky =D*
Labels: Wait for u~~~again again and again
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Ok...nothing to blog but exam.The thing i am most worried about is
I am not worried about any exams.Why?cause i have more important things to do?...yeah,i have like whip sex people on the street,watch porn,walk to somewhere unknown,meet new "friends",training,play computer,blogging...ya ya blah blah blah...Or maybe my
Dark side of life!!!MUHAHAHA *coughs* k,let's get on with the content.
Today,wake up at 12noon ?!?...ZZZ straight away lunch,where's my mum?Never wake me up...K nvm.Eat le on com go Facebook & blogs...Play audition talking about that it reminds me about the cyber-wellness talk.Play audition will rape people??Oh sure i wanna rape someone,with...err...WHIP!Play from 2 to 6 mum came back,"Boy!!go eat ur dinner".That wasn't exactly what she said,+hokkien+chinese+malay a little bit(with the essence of pork)=SINGLISH...A language you don't sing but speak!...Why am i saying all this?...Bored?...probably...
What's for dinner?GAHH!!!No need to think.
PORK!!!but the problem is pork what? still need to think =.= ...
Pork chop? nah
Pork curry? Sounds good but you won't find it anywhere -,-
Pork with rice? i had that 3 days in a row...
Pure Pork? That's great but comfirm doesn't come cheap
Porky?That will be eating myself
Nasi barbie? The uncle comfirm SCREAM at me
Pork juice? I won't be full drinking that...
So i walk over to the stall where i usually go.PORK DELIGHT!!jkjk,can find good le...Actually,i also dunno the name.MEAT delight??who knows...Then i spotted this particular pork dish.I dunno the name but the picture is like pork on noodles..."I want that number 5 pork dish"...Woah,taste heavenly...I can get used to this =D
7 o'clock,Study time!!! Brought out the first thick textbook.Flip to errr...a random page.Double entry~~~read read read,dun understand.See the question,straight away see answer key.No answwer?!? For practical??OH PORK...SAVE studied abit theory.YUP,it took me 10mins~~~ =.= felt so long like 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8-1-2-3=???(for u to find out) Answer?? ya that long.Play computer again...
Study progress: problem i will cover 97% tommorrow.RIGHT?? 0.o
Narrator: >>>So will no no i mean,PORKY!! XD and Pikachu...Pikachu??and errr...the whip?Ok *coughs* So will Porky and the whip be able to study for his exam.Or will slack off like today find out on... for more info. -~~The Adventures of PORKY~~ To be contiuned
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mas selemat.The world's most well-known terrorist...Now.LOL kena caught selling stuffs on street.WTF.Anyway Happy Bashday Jun han,high score man i hit the hardest woo hoo!!!
I found this... got movie sure watch...

hmmm...this will come in handy.If he escapes again

Akasuki new member...MAS SELEMAT!!!

Last stand...LMAO

Oh he is nearer than u think he is...

This is where he escape from !!!Cool right.Shorty man
Summary for today...>>Brush teeth blah blah>>>go school study bible>>>test on bible>>>comfirm FAIL !!!!>>>go nasty house watch porn>>>then watch more porn on computer>>>go home watch porn..Yeah thats all..
Oh ya,no worries,mas selemat will escape again trust me..
Labels: All i can do is to wait for you...again and again, Guess true love isn't meant for me
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Err..Happy mother's day!!Ya,k i know it was 1 day over but still who cares.Ok start with a couple of things.
Mas selemat bin kascurry?or whatever fuck...captured le.Hmm...that even even longer ago.I guess he was the avenger of Osama,actually should just kill him le lorh.You know what he do anot,go Malaysia sell stuffs.Diao right?i thought he was hidden in some sort of secret high-tech place like in the movies.LOL Disappointed in him sia...go sell stuffs,sell ur free fuck service larh.Osama and Obama can hide better than u.This fucking kokster.The police also damn cock,keep let him escape from jail.Now still want send back singapore,to escape again...
Mother day leh,I tell my mom happy mother day she cry.LOL,For fuck?i dun care her,i left her in the living room to cry.LOL,seem quite bad to do this,just go my room play game...after a while,as per normal le.Find some reason to throw stuffs at me,this morning damn funnny.Tried to throw TISSUE at me,i was laughing like fuck can't control fucking funny.the tissue just glide down to the floor.LMAO,then she decide throw the chopping board instead.Caught it but bang my stomach,OUCH.the tip sia ya thats happen today.The rest that happen next is predictable.
Now,i can comfirm u ignore me.Fine lorh.Dunno what the fuck is wrong with u.Can't be friends arh?Do whatever u want larh,Damn it.I here emo,u there smile the fuck out of urself...One multi-purpose word to describle my feeling,"FUCK up"
Labels: All i can do is to wait for you...again
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Taken from Desmond blog.First quiz i doing,there is always a first time for everything...
1. Name : Goh kok(pork) hong,吳囯峰
2. Nickname(s) : Flow(dance),porky,kok,oi,so on...
3. Age : 14,turning 15 on october 27
4. Horoscope : Scorpio
5. Male or Female : Male
6. Primary School : Nan chiau(lan jiao) Primary
7. Secondary School : Hougang Secondary
8. Poly or JC : Aiming Poly
9. University : most probably no...
10. Hair Colour : Black
11. Long or Short : Short
12. Loud or Quiet : both
13. Sweats or Jeans : both
14. Phone or Camera : ...Camera phone...
15. Health freak : Who cares about health these days...
16. Drink or Smoke : Past,and still doing
17. Have a crush on someone ? : I wouldn't hurt if it is not a crush
18. Eat or Drink : u try not to eat and drink
19. Piercings : cut counted?
20. Tattoos : scar on left hand
21. Social or Anti-Social : Social
22. Piercing : in wushu training
23. Relationship : Single lorh...
24. Best Friend : Edwin,Arshad,jasper,ting xian,nasty,whole of wushu gang(some still need longer realationship,these are people who i am grateful for.Thank you)
25. Award : can't remember
26. Kiss : Someone i love before,died.
27. Pet : I know a cat who always follows me when i go for a stroll,fed it.So counted?
28. Big Vacation : It was never big...
29. Love at first sight : Yes,that day it always seem so magical
30. Hug : Parents
31. Eating : lollipop
32. Drinking : Nothing .
33. Excitement : -30%
34. About to : Type another word
35. Listening to : The darkness of the night.Computer running,sometimes strange sounds
36. Plan for today : Study abit for social studies
37. Waiting for : Examination to finish
38. Energy lvl : 110%still can do alot of stuffs
39. Thinking of someone : Yes .
40. Want kids ? : 2...i learnt it was best
41. Get Married ? : Hope i can...
42. Careers in mind : Dancer,photographer,exorcist...
Which is a better OPTION for your boy/girl.
43. Lip/Eye : Eyes
44. Romantic/Funny : Romantic
45. Shorter/Taller : Shorter
46. Protective/Caring : Caring(caring is protective)
47. Romantic/Spontaneous : Romantic
48. Nice Stomach/Nice Arm : Stomach
49. Sensitive/Loud : Sensitive
50. Hook-up/Relationship : Relationship
51. Troublemaker/Hesitant : Hesitant(no matter what u are,u are always perfect to me)
Have you ever
52. Lost glasses or contacts : No
53. Ran away from home : P6
54. Held a gun/knife for self-defence : Yes...
55. Killed somebody : Not a person,there is nothing inside them.
56. Broken someone's heart : My own
57. Been arrested : Nope
58. Cried when someone dead : My love
59. Missed someone alot alot : Yup
Do you believe in
60. Yourself : Sometimes,it is hard to belive,but i still do
61. Miracles : Miracle don't just happen,u have to make it happen
62. Love at first sight : Yup
63. Heaven : Yes,i received a letter from it.i dunno if there a hell yet
64. Santa Claus : no..myth
65. Tooth fairy : no..fairytales are never true
66. Kiss in the first date : How cool is that?
Answer truthfully
67. Are afraid of anything ? : Supernatural,They are me
68. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now ? : Yes
69. Are you seriously happy with where you're in life now ? : No
70. Do you believe in god ? : Yes,but he never help...fuck you man.(So i turned to pork for help)
Labels: My life is always screwed...Still waiting for you
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Exam?Ya ya blah blah blah...I dun feel like studying,and i am not studying.I feel like taking a break until i am happy or sumthing.Damn stress these days,too many things to do.
Passer-by sorry if i stated wrong i thought you were a boy.You sound more like a cunt or some fag(faggot frag...i dunno which spelling correct)If you are a pussy then ya keep on with you crap u are welcome,if you some gay or what then just stat your name...Anyone can tell me who he anot?I suddenly damn interested,i wonder how u look...And again it is not safe to think about it,ok ya i think that is it.Sorry arh if u are some fucking idoit pussy who go around blog just to get scolded.So might as well,FUCK OFF or u need someone to FUCK you? ya keep up ur good.You dun piss me off dun worry.I only get pissed off when my friend get pissed off.
Shit...Nothing blog le.Oh i know
REPLY tags(starting from oldest)
Shu hui-Dun worry i will pass it on to other people then eventually to you..Muhahaha
coutesy~~PASS IT ON~~~PASS IT ON~~~
Shangge-THANK YOU THANK YOU.May BARBIE bless you and be with you(as a diease)
Benny-LOL..haha *coughs* private Ong i dun wan see you late for training again is THAT CLEAR!!??
Khari-Dun you feel like killing someone at sometimes?
Cheryl-LOL,passer-by on the loose again...ENTERTAINMENT
Desmond-Thanks bro,Linked..
Jia wen-yeah,good luck cause it is GG for me
Monday, May 04, 2009