Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I tell you chinese paper screw le..."有一名XX先生,XXXX他XXX-( 1.XX 2.有X 3.XX 4.有X ) 的XX上XX一下"The passage was sumthing like this,thats was how it was written...
>85% X<
>14% Chinese characters<
>1% of this !@$!%^&*()_ <
May Pork bless me...Pork flu sian..i really eating pork lately,now must stop le.Today after test fly our "private jet" around the classroom.Some of them ended up like this

LOL,the test didn't even felt like a test.After that,ME & the wushu gang gathered up and decided to go point and eat.Shared umbrella with tong shen got the left side of me wet.Halfway there kena kick for no reason also.There le then we go KFC,i was queuing when jia wen tried to snatch my 5 dollar note.
"You can take you take lorh."
Oh my fucking god,my plastic,PLASTIC 5 doollaarr NOOTTEE!!!Torn apart,what the heck...Then end up i give her that 5 dollar note then she treat me,feel quite bad it was partly my fault too.Then sit down and emo.Wait for them buy their food,then when we were eating keep cracking jokes very hard to eat and drink.Jia qi & her sister next to us emo-ing,they not bored meh?Later after eating talk about my compo writing,about the Osama and Obama,power rangers,Darth Vader & sex.LOL i kept laughing no matter how many times i bring this out.Entertainment guaranteed...Later dunno what the hell we doing,go market walk around joke about their products and crush some items for NO REASON.LOL damn funny,at bus stop also fool around.Seeking for new ways to block people's path.Use the public phone,stand as far as possible to talk to the microphone thing.LOL.
Later at home,sleep and ya here blogging about shit.Sometimes i dunno wherther u are ignoring me or not.Cause you respond to what i say to you...
Labels: All i can do is wait and wait for you...
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sometimes i dunno if u are ignoring me or not.I am still waiting...Today i linking through all the blogs i found if one.If the world ends in 3 years what will u do?,i think my answer is simple.
Firstly,i profess my love.Most probably rejected and never get to talk to her again,rejected so?Best thing for me to do is to never see you again...Forget me,forget about it.I am fate to be in love then..I should just concentrate on more important things.But i will never forget you,i will miss you forever...
Secondly,to take revenge.I waited long enough,at that time i was still small.I was helpless,i didn't know a thing and there was nothing i could do.That day changed my life,u caused my best friend's death.Nobody knows but i do...
"what will you do if i die?"
"take revenge?",I answered
"That's a promise between us"
Now,i know much more about you.Things that should be put apart in the world...I yearn to kill you for 3 years.And i will...
Thirdly,I have 2 options.Sit back and die or do something,since my life is worthless.Maybe i with go with my other companions to search for an answer or maybe a even a cure for this.I am going to die without knowing anything or without trying,nothing is impossible i can do whatever it takes.Anyone can affect the outcome,the question is,"Are willing to do it at any cost?".
Labels: It would not be called a crush if it did not hurt...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
I dunno whether to talk to you...Maybe until u talk to me...Today,Two words,"Boring & funny"
I feel that my body aching le lorh...continuously 3hrs training for 4 days,somemore choreography working my brains out.Damn tired,after practice yesterday i came by this stall & was laughing for a short moment...

Mei Mei beauty salon LOL
Today,all the first few lesson all very boring.I was like being a guai xiao zi for 4 periods until last period before recess cannot le.Then talk lorh...Recess i decided buy some sandwich or sumthing,dun feel like eating rice.Then jia qi also there,"Pork hong...".LOL,then go back to bench with my friends settle down.and eat,in the process of eating i said,"i want the ice"Then later,the uncle come take away the cup of ice.Then i wanted say thank you but choke on the potato chips,then arshad was laughing.I thought he was laughing that i choke.Later i found out,"where did my cup of ice go?"...stupid uncle.nvm forget it.
After recess go back class,damn bored so i fool around lorh.I took out jun han shoelaces cause i was bored.Then cannot put back in,I was laughing like mad.he ended up using rubber band to whole his shoe.Lmao,then later i perform a "magic trick" of how to untie the knot i did to jun han laces.I pulled the laces it got stuck diaoz,then Johnathan was like laughing and cannot stop.Somehow he past that disease to me and i also cannot stop.After that play snake and ladder,LOL lame enough.After that damn bored again,then go to the back of the class do "fishing".Throw down the bottle once pull up.Throw second time,eh? gone le!!!Then i tie to waste paper throw again.That wasn't very funny to do fishing.After i read jia wen blog,i was like WAHAHAHA.So that was really fish??LOL Then everything that happened make sense,next time should tie a paper writing FUCK YOU or sumthing.
After school,got biology remedial.I wasn't like sian but was like oh? got sumthing to burn my time le.Before biology lesson i go E-con.circle three rounds in the shop then i finally brought my stuffs.Instant noddle,some junk food & candy floss.Then went back to my class,alone.Solo there eating,then i walked out class saw jia qi again.LOL...This show signs of bad luck,then when i was in my class.Alone,I thought i was but i wasn't.I heard strange sounds,then something black flew across my classroom...I know that wasn't normal,i turned & to my horror...I saw i black crow,"NOOOO"Bad luck is with me everywhere i go.So it accompany me eating my instant noddles and junk food.When i was about to start on my candy floss,jasper dash in along with arshad.I was like
Then they like,"?!(what could have gone wrong)"
I pointed to that crow,"Got bird..."
They were like LOL,scare me for what!actually that was fun.Then rush to bio lesson,there was like stupid us a huge piece of blank white paper,ask us draw about cells.Then we ended up drawing,Pokemon in the plant cell.LOL damn funny.After that,tell us post at the back of the class.LOL showcase our masterpiece,i wonder got take down anot...Then while going home,i when to a vending machine.Got all those drink choices i put in coins and told myself.I should refrain from drinking gas drinks then i press on EVERY SINGLE selection.Left the lemon barley to press.Press already gave me pesi...I was like WTF?!?Then i wanted buy junk food again,beside got another vending machine,put in coins...STUCK INSIDE...LAN JIAO today really not my day.Walk down stairs to bus stop,Black cat ran past me...I knew i had to get back home as soon as possible(ASAP)so i quickly choing into a bus.WRONG BUS!!!Ended up at dunno where walk back.Take the correct bus,miss a stop.Go straight to express road..damn long sia took 15mins to reach next stop!!!then i want ride back,Waited for like HALF_AN HOUR!!!then that fucking 109 come.Ass sia rode all the way to Pasir Ris...Today com restarted,three times now continuing on my draft.
I better watch out tomorrow.
Labels: I have to fool around to distract myself from you :(
Monday, April 20, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
... guess u are irrated or sumthing...2 Days ago had our final wushu competition,Today then post.LOL damn busy larh anyway Happy International Friendship Day:
The day when we give 24-hours of respect for the banglasLionel...U are i my headline news MUHAHAHA

So that day right after USSR gather at parade sqaure waited for our bus while fooling around.In the bus Jia wen kept spamming photos like this...


There this photo freak

Then,arrived at the Chinatown secondary school or sumthing...The B boys team had their competiton.In the end came in overall 2nd for B boys gratz gratz...

The B boys had their very own cheer..."Whip Sex!!!" LOL...after all the fun at school,actually want go old airpork road & eat one then that Mr.yee dun wan let us go...Then sit the bus lorh,Worst of all in the bus dragon came up.That guy who rip my balls 3 times in the school,damn pain sia.Arrived le at school,waste our time hanging in there.Then Yan shu they all try touch our school ring all failed,then i try,hang on the net pull up & hang on the ring.LOL
Then later kfc,also fool around & before going home.I gave yan shu the last whip sex!haha...Go home sleep le lorh.But at the end of the day,i kept thinking about you...seeing you is just hurting myself

Labels: Your attitude change towards me...For no reason... :(
Friday, April 17, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Walao...exam just over principal give this fuck shit paper SA1... You no brain arh so fast???Rush what Rush...Only think about urself,ass leh...Sian Today,you totally ignored me,it was like you didn't even knew me.Haiz,Pork hong better luck next time.
Today,cycle bicycle to school.Damn strain sia,yesterday Batam dance training.50 push up.40 leg lift...Then start training siao arh...That's way too much,i cycle school like gonna die already walao eh.School get test stuffs,
Math 25/50 wa heng arh!!! just pass didn't study a thing
Geography 11/25 NOOO!!!!i didn't study!!!sob Fail le still draw one smiley Face.Fuck you arh...Sob
Chinese 58/100 Teacher i write until very good..Ya right,I got so low!!I just imagined if i was with you and kena betray like what happen to them...Put them all down,damn engrossed sia
After school,i walk down to hall put bag for wushu in misery.Then go eat,damn fun sia walk there laugh like fuck,eating I brought PORK!! My god is was good,but that stupid Jia Qi say sit infront of me trying snatch away my pork.Eat halfway,jeremy "Oh Phone also wan eat curry" wipe on my shirt....Tai guo fen le!!This table is unacceptable.No manners,after finshing pork buy ice-cream.Come back saw some idoits sit on the stupid car thing.Wa,i laugh out loud.I thinking of put $1 inside sia.Walk back school,make me choke on ice-cream.Wushu finshed,kena whip sex WTF use leg whip sex one.Then whip sex back lorh,Opps wrong choice.Got chased all the way home.Hope tomorrow she forgets...Actually wushu isn't that bad,it is damn funny Looking forward to last competition,WEDNESDAY.Can't wait to shout out all i want.Jia You arh!!!Ping le!!Hao de!!or maybe PORK CURRY!!!! :D
These days i no longer find my life that worthless,but still it is worthless,I have friends that help me brighten my day & at least have some times to spend with you.Like what i wrote for the compo,"I am jealous but right now i just want you to be happy.Whether with me...Or whether without me.I just want u to be happy"
~~~I wish i could stay on the world longer~~~
Labels: I thought u wouldn't come here, in the end you did..damn i think you saw it...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
this few days damn funny...I enjoyed myself alot until april come!!!you spoiled my fucking Day...I am DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN FUcking damn fuck pissed today,April fool day is over bitch!!!ok forget it...I fail my exam i hold you responsible!!!Ok now really forget it...
Recent wushu training,i got my first try squeezing through the main gate to the hall.I heard many people made it before so i gave it a try...Hey it works i t got through somehow.Then go kfc and laugh...Come home go out with friends and laugh even more today at school also laugh...Really looking forward to tomorrow,Somemore some fucker got my wushu video showed around now almost everyone knows i did shuffle during competition..Bad news spread fast.

This photo reminds me of 4 things...
1.My wushu memories
2.My bloody past & present
3.Tell me to stay happy see that smile :D
4.For no reasons look at it makes me think of you(the person i currently like)
I dunno why,i dunno how...It makes me think of you,today u help me on last revision of biology.I always wonder if you have the same feeling of me??u treat me differetly i feel.You care about me stuffs like that,but it is just different.haiz,u talk with other boys i get jealous.Now i understand how he actually feels,now i am feeling sorry.Anyway,I owe you one.
Labels: i just can't stop looking at you, I look forward to tomorrow thinking of see u
Monday, April 06, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
dangling in mid air,trying to stay on balance while doing "shuffle"."JIA YOU arh!!JIA YOU JIA YOU!!!",voices coming from random direction.While thinking what the fuck i am doing,then conutine with the rest of the moves."513 ,final result 7.25"sob so low...Sliver (from the back XD) nvm tried my best next year try again lorh.Then watch ppl play poker,do some fontune-telling and go home.
Now here,blogging...Thinking back,today 2.4km run GOLD!!! yeah baby yes 12.12 wor,that my wushu score can le.K what else to say,oh i wonder if i like her.When she say "all the best,jia you can get gold de...",felt so contented...lol sorry didn't get gold i got sliver P.S. :P
Labels: Love or like??...i wonder
Thursday, April 02, 2009